NC Law Enforcement Officers Association

Membership Application

PO Box 41368, Raleigh, NC 27629
Phone 919-876-0687 – Fax: 919-878-7413



Membership Types

Active Membership: I am certified by the North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission; or the North Carolina Sheriff’s Education & Training Standards Commission; or am a Sheriff, Correctional Officer, or Federal/Military Law Enforcement Officer. (DOC certified officers qualify for active membership)

Associate Membership: I do not meet the above qualifications. I pledge to support the goals and objectives of NCLEOA.

Retired Member: Active member of the association who has since retired from law enforcement and meets one of the following criteria (This qualifies you for ACTIVE-RETIRED membership): a. Regularly retired from a law enforcement agency and currently receiving benefits from a federal, state or local government retirement program; b. Medically retired from a law enforcement agency and currently receiving benefits from a federal, state local government retirement program and at the time of disability was an active member of NCLEOA; c. Completed 10 or more years of service as a law enforcement officer with five consecutive years of active membership prior to retirement.

Retired But Re-Employed in Law Enforcement as a reserve, part or full-time enforcement officer (please complete department and title below). This qualifies you for ACTIVE membership.

Membership Benefits

  • Line of Duty Death Benefits *
  • Legal Assistance Fund *
  • Representation By The President At The Law Enforcement Association’s Presidents Group (LEAP)
  • Legislative Information From The N.C. General Assembly
  • Two Training Conferences Per Year (At Least One At The Beach)
  • Representation By Two Members Serving On The N.C. Criminal Justice Education And Training Standards Commission

* Active Members Only